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Live Artfully: Celebrating Our Artists And Makers Live Artfully: Celebrating Our Artists And Makers

Live Artfully: Celebrating Our Artists And Makers

We believe artists are the heartbeat of our city. As makers ourselves who create and offer unique, artful jewelry, accessories and home goods, we are committed to telling the stories of makers and artists. Their stories and the stories of their artwork shape our communities and make our lives richer. 

Live Artfully, Fort Worth Artists, Winton And Waits

Live Artfully, Fort Worth Artists

Fort Worth welcomes its annual Main Street Arts Festival this week and we want to take this opportunity to celebrate the local artists who take risks, who make magic, and who keep creating and inspiring us every day! The best thing creatives can do for each other is to support and champion each other’s work. We want you to know the many incredible artists who live and work in Fort Worth. Follow them on social media, give them a shout out if you love what they do, share their work with others, buy original art for your home, and commission them for new pieces!


Fort Worth Artist, Page Doby

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Page: Color makes me happy and brings me joy. My environment always has to be filled with pops of color. In my home I love neutrals with soft, subtle colors splashed throughout in pillows, rugs and especially art. I also love teaching art. I think everyone, whether they think so or not, has an inner artist waiting to be discovered. Once you tap into that it can be emotionally therapeutic and fill your life with color and creativity.


Fort Worth Artist, Noelle Grace

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Noelle: I love how art is inclusive and can bring people from all walks of life together. In my personal style of abstract art, each piece is unique and painted with pure freedom of imagination. There’s so much heart behind each piece and it’s incredibly special to witness my work connect with someone else and spark creativity. My hope is that this little business of mine can inspire others to make time to do something they love!


Fort Worth Artist, AnnaGrace Galindo

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

AnnahGrace: I believe that art is all around us. A beautiful, sunny morning is art, my toddler’s laughter is art, a coffee shop date with my husband is art. But just how life happens, things block our view, and make things look messy. I have found that through my physical act of creating works of art has helped me uncover the beauty in my daily life, and to see that art is all around me, and not just on a canvas.


Fort Worth Artist, Sharron Gregg

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Sharron: Most communities support from within. In my work and style I see beauty in the "odd." I see beauty in the things that can be painful. Art draws community unity.


Fort Worth Artist, Alex Harris

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Alex: I see beauty and art offer significance and impact in our Fort Worth community in some of the most remarkable ways. Art is powerful and unifying. Few other platforms can unite groups without ever saying a word. The innate beauty in art provokes thoughts, discussions, and movements that other media cannot. I think even more remarkable than the ability to unify, is art's ability to spark joy and evoke the strongest feelings of hope. Paintings, sculptures, drawings, photography, you name it. It all has the ability to create a visceral reaction. A piece can instantly trigger the most intense feelings of joy. I believe feelings of joy are not as commonly occurring as they should be, and I aspire to create more beautiful, joyful moments. Art and beauty have the ability to continually mold our community, enhance our culture, and leave an indelible mark. I am excited to be a part of what makes Fort Worth beautiful and see the beauty we, holistically, can continue to create. Let's make something beautiful.


Fort Worth Artist, April Hopkins

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

April: As a portrait artist, I form a very personal relationship with every person I draw. My patrons have a deep connection to my art because I portray those who they care about the most: their children, their parents, their pets. This makes art more meaningful for them and their families.


Fort Worth Artist, Michelle Kaytaz

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Michelle: As an artist I am always searching for complimentary colors in nature for inspiration and gravitate frequently to shades of blue and orange when I paint. I believe that colors can invoke emotions that we experience when we view nature. My personal style is a collection of neutral colors with occasional pops of color. In my home I choose to hang colorful artwork on my walls and let the artwork warm up my home. I believe that colors in nature inspire people to be more interactive with each other and with our surroundings.


Fort Worth Artist, Echo Knox

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Echo: I can honestly say my art comes in various forms: paintings, murals, drawings, sculpture, gardens, clothing, jewelry and so much more. Art through any medium can bring so many emotions. I choose and hope when I paint on canvas that the brilliance of what I see can show for our community to have some type of experience or emotion that moves them to a memory. Pairing with W+W and being included on their platform which is joy seeking and intentionally giving pulls both worlds together. Wearable art is absolutely my favorite.


Fort Worth Artist, Megan Najera

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Megan: I believe art or any visual creativity is so similar to music. It always has a message but instead of hearing it, you get to physically see it - yet you still have the freedom to interpret what it means to you and how it effects you emotionally. For me and any other person who learns visually, I think it's a beautiful way to teach or provoke a thought to our community, and in turn,  create a daily reminder for what the artist is trying to say.


Fort Worth Artist, Hannah Paynter

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Hannah: Growing up in a family full of artists helped to mold my appreciation for the arts and music. Song inspired me to express my own creativity, and by creating I was able to see others gain inspiration which continues the positive influence of creative expression throughout the community.


Fort Worth Artist, Kathryn Shields

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Kathryn: My paintings are a process that evolve over time, layer by layer, to evoke joy, healing, and beauty in people. I believe as people encounter these they bring these experiences to relationships, places and situations. If a collection of people are benefitting from these, then the community overall is blooming and thriving. A community is a beautiful collection of diverse people that bring value and experiences together. Just like diversity in the community, I believe art brings joy, healing and beauty to people in so many different forms. For me, it happens in the painting process that evolves layer by layer.


Fort Worth Artist, Kaia Stevens

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Kaia: Through my work I can see that my art is heavily influenced by my surroundings in my own fun eclectic way. Since moving back to Fort Worth and integrating myself within the art community here and surrounding areas, it has shown me how incredible and important it is to create and share with others and form relationships with those you otherwise might have not. It is so much more than just making art for myself.


Fort Worth Artist, Z.W. Taylor

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

ZW: I am a pretty simple gal and love a minimal style with the exception of a bit of sparkle every now and then! I love our community here in Southside and have always felt that art in any form offers anyone an opportunity to express themselves through something beautiful that others can share. It's so great that we are able to see Southside's community grow!


Fort Worth Artist, Steffany Villalobos

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Steffany: I believe that art brings people together through inspiration, creativity and hope. I am inspired by many artists in various mediums, and I hope to inspire others to unleash their creative side too!


Fort Worth Artist, Laura Weber

W+W: In your work and your own personal style, how do you see beauty/ art offer significance and impact to your community? 

Laura: I believe our society is at the brink of a "remembering" - recalling a not-so-ancient knowledge that the old way of doing things is the best for us. Like how after decades of Lean Cuisines and Twinkies, we are now all aware that eating real, unprocessed foods is the key to one's health and well-being. But I think we have still yet to realize the negative effect our addiction to the mass produced homogeneity of box stores is having on our health - particularly our mental health. To me, living in a home full of robot-copied plastic is like a fish living in an aquarium filled with fake rocks and plants. For us humans, it's the art - whether it be pictures made by children, a set of bowls made by a skilled craftsman or a dress made by a friend- it's the mindfulness and the meaning behind the item that we consume secondhand that breathes life into a person's habitat and feeds their spirit. When I paint, I think about that sort of thing - how I am actually giving people air - and it gives me a great feeling of purpose as I work.


A huge thank you to all of these amazing artists for participating in this amazing collaborative project. They are all amazing!

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