Did you know that International Women’s Day has been celebrated around the world for more than one hundred years? We at Winton & Waits are committed to empowering, honoring, and celebrating all women. So on this International Women’s Day, we want to remind you of some important things we believe about you.
Dear friend,
We may not know you personally (though we’d like to), but today and every day, we want you to know these things about you. We hope these truths wash over you and remind you that you are not alone and you are so very special.

You are essential!
Quite a bit (though never enough) has been said about women’s contribution to the world. From launching business and raising strong humans, from breakthroughs in science and political reforms, women are on the forefront of making this world a better place. But, guess what? That’s not what makes you essential. Regardless of what you do with your days, your family, your neighborhood, your workplace, and your city wouldn't be the same without you. Just by existing, you light up this world. We see it in the women we encounter every day, the ones who walk into our store or say hello on social media. You are a bright light! At Winton & Waits, we are committed to affirming the essential place of women by supporting women-owned businesses and women artisans. We know women matter and we want to show it!
You deserve to be lifted up!
Encouragement, support, affirmation, and praise – You deserve all of this, not because of the impact you make (though we know you make an impact), but because of your essential presence. You deserve to be lifted up by your community because you are a human being making your way in this world, and we can’t do this life without each other. At Winton & Waits, we want to encourage and support you whether that’s through a product that makes you feel pretty and refreshed or through a special event that celebrates you! We want to be about the business of reminding you how valuable you are! We know that life can be very difficult, full of setbacks and brokenness. We want to cheer you on and remind you of your worth even on your hardest days.

You need a break!
Let’s be honest, all of us need a break from the rush of life. There’s been a lot of talk about self care and self love lately (and we are here for it), but maybe the bubble bath or the pedicure don’t always do the trick. At our store, we are committed to creating a space that is a breath of fresh air. We can’t tell you how many women walk through our door and let out a happy sigh or comment upon how our shop makes them feel. Do you know why we love this so much? I mean, we love a beautiful space just because it’s beautiful. But, more than anything, we believe that a peaceful, beautiful space opens the door for our souls to rest and revel, to delight and be renewed. If you’re needing space from the grind of daily life, you might just find it by spending some time with us. But no matter where you find it, go find a space that makes you feel rested.
You need the support of other women!
I think we can all agree that, while we may have supportive partners, parents, or kids, there is something unique about women empowering women. It’s part of our core values to support and empower women around the globe, whether that’s through our give back initiatives or supporting female entrepreneurs and artisans in the products we sell. But, most importantly, we want to be the last to criticize and compete, and the first to cheer for the success of other women! If you don’t have women in your life who are cheering you on, come to an event at our store and you might just meet some of the most encouraging and supportive women you will ever know!

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” ― Serena Williams