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How Are People Using "Fund the Impact"?

If you haven’t already heard, we are pretty giddy about our new fundraising program, Fund the Impact. It’s a super simple way to raise funds for a cause, event or project you are passionate about. Have a mission trip coming up? Know a friend trying to adopt? Have a heart for a specific cause or need? 

Simply visit our website to learn more and apply today🙌🏻

But first, we want to share a bit about our first round of incredible Impact Partners. Take a minute to read about the ways they are using Fund the Impact {and then start dreaming about the ways you could partner with us!}



Meet Alison. Alison is using FTI to help provide food for families in need for the holidays. Her organization, Live Thankfully, hosts an annual event where students from over 30 schools in the DFW area come together to distribute Thanksgiving meals and two bags of groceries to families chosen based on their financial, emotional and physical needs. Not only are they empowering students to become leaders, they are also strengthening their community in a loving and practical way. To learn more about Live Thankfully, click here



Meet Tracy. Tracy is using FTI to serve the homeless community in Dallas. She and her team at ImpactLife put together care boxes {filled with blankets, clothing items, food, toiletry items, etc.} and pass them out to homeless camps. They recognize that these small acts of kindness are often times the most powerful and impactful thing we can do and are wholeheartedly dedicated to blessing those that are often time overlooked. To learn more about ImpactLife, click here. 



Meet Erica. Erica founded Believe Boldly, a non-profit organization that provides prayer, accountability, retreats and spiritual growth materials to women across the U.S. She is using FTI to provide scholarships for several women to attend their annual women’s retreat. “We want to minister to all walks of life and do not want finances to hold anyone back.” To learn more about the mission and work of Believe Boldly, click here. 



Meet Lauren. Lauren is using FTI to raise funds for Young Lives- an organization that walks alongside teen moms, giving them unconditional love and support throughout their journeys. The money that she raises will help send teen moms to summer camp and help provide for some basic needs such as diapers and formula. To learn more about Young Lives, click here.



Meet Karen and her kids, Grace and Josh. They are using FTI for a cause very close to their hearts: Human Trafficking. Their good friend, Janet Grossman- an actress, screenwriter and producer- is currently working on a film that sheds light on the realities of this horrendous crime. Karen, Grace and Josh want to do their part in helping make this film come to life in order to spread awareness and bring about much needed change. To learn more about this project, click here.



Meet Tracy. Tracy founded Project Beloved, a non-profit organization in Ft. Worth that exists to educate, advocate and collaborate with others as they change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices. She is using FTI to provide Beloved Bundles (care packages for victims during forensic interviews) and to create Soft Interview Rooms (a space that feels comfortable and safe for victims during the interview process...a trauma informed practice which is proven to have significant impact on overall outcomes). To learn more about the mission and work of Project Beloved, click here. 



Meet the Brandy. Brandy has enlisted the help from all her fellow teachers at Acton Elementary to help provide holiday meals for the students/families they teach.Their campus of 865 students has a high ratio of low income families, so they are using FTI to bless these families with a special Thanksgiving and Christmas meal. 

Awesome, right?! We feel so inspired by each and every one of our Impact Partners and are honored to walk alongside them as they actively work to make this world a better place. #BeAnImpactMaker 

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